Adopt Rescue Care

law enforcement
to report
animal neglect/cruelty
Dog Warden
The Group page, entitled “Humane Society of the Ohio Valley aka Marietta Humane Society”, is primarily maintained so that our volunteers may post pictures/videos of their favorite HSOV animals and for our foster moms (and dads) to post pictures/videos of the HSOV dogs and cats currently in their home. We also welcome postings about lost/found pets on this group page. Please provide contact information on lost/found animals. We welcome you to “Join” our group page.
The Main page, entitled “Humane Society of the Ohio Valley – HSOV”, is maintained so we can post photographs and descriptions of all available dogs and cats for adoption as well as adopted/rescued albums and announcements about HSOV events, fundraisers, and shelter needs. Photographs of all shelter animals are available for sharing, and you may post comments/questions about individual dogs/cats beneath their picture. We welcome you to “Like” our Main page.